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CHAPTER 92 The Nexus of Celestial Heartstrings

When Lily and Alexander traveled through space and time in the combined form of the Guardians, they sensed the alteration of space-time. They both felt the universe had a heartbeat, frantic, frantic in drumming them towards somewhere they did not know. They saw a thing that was beyond understanding when they neared – a titanic structure made out of gossamer light strings that seemed to go on for eternity. Overwhelmed by this comfort as individuals, Lily and Alexander decided to separate their forms which materialized side by side. They marveled at the webs and webs of light filaments that shimmered with an alien vitality. Alex, Lily marveled as she whispered to herself, ‘what is this place?’ By the time Alexander could open his mouth, a melodious voice sounded around them. “Greetings, guardians of the cosmic symphony! Welcome to the Nexus of Celestial Heartstrings.” A being crawled out from the web of silken strings and its figure was morphing and entangled with the strings nearby

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