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CHAPTER 91 The Prism of Infinite Reflections

Flying high on the stardust, Lily and Alexander as Cosmic Guardians, emitting balanced energy as they went, were pulled to a quite amusing sight. As they extended, there was only an infinity of what looked like crystalline formations, that bent light and created dazzling patterns. Getting closer, they again sensed a desire to split up and return to the state of single individuals before embracing the new miracle. Their forms appeared, still sparkling with the traces of Guardians within, but they were undeniably Lily and Alexander once more. “Alex,” Lily said with admiration and curiosity in her tone and expression style, “what is this place?” Alexander tried to touch one of the crystalline formations; his fingers were centimeters away from it. As he did, it came to life and then was replaced by a hologram of the garden along with themselves as teenagers stargazing. ” It’s… It’s us,” Alexander muttered in disbelief. "But how?" Lily raised an eyebrow to answer but was interrupted b

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