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CHAPTER SEVEN Echoes of Time

The trip to the next site was very tense. They went in two carriages, with Jonathan leading the van. Lily had a carriage with Alexander and Emily, while Henry traveled with Jonathan and started questioning him about time travel and the future. When they were in their carriage and traveling on the bumpy country roads, thoughts ran through Lily’s head. She could not avoid thinking about how big her problem was and how she was going to solve it. With each passing mile, she felt that she was losing her old life, yet at the same time, she was getting a better grasp of her role in this twisted game of clocks. "Lily, what are your thoughts?” Emily’s voice startled Lily out of her thoughts. Lily smiled weakly at her friend. "Well, I’m still coming to terms with all of this. You see, a week ago, my major preoccupation was dealing with my grandmother’s attic. Now, apparently, I am some key figure in some cosmic plan of time manipulation.” Alexander extended his arm over the carriage to h

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