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CHAPTER SIX Revelations and Choices

The morning sun was slowly creeping over the horizon, stretching out a network of shade in the stone circle where Lily and her friends had passed the night. As she started to rise from her restless sleep, memories flooded back about the previous evening. Jonathan Blackwood, this so-called time traveler, spoke of things that sounded just too fantastic to believe, yet vibrated with undeniable truth. Lily came to a sitting position, brushing leaves from her hair as she watched the others begin to stir. Alexander was already awake, his bright eyes searching along the perimeter of their camp. When those eyes locked on hers, she felt the familiar flutter in her chest, quickly followed by a pang of uncertainty. The arrival of Jonathan had complicated an already complex situation. The atmosphere was heavy with unasked questions as they grouped around the rekindled fire for a simple breakfast. It was finally Emily who broke the silence, her curiosity getting the better of her. "Mr. Bla

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