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CHAPTER FOURTY-SIX The Cosmic Tapestry

Above the razor-sharp tips of the towers that the citadel had become, there was the gentle glow of a brand-new dawn. Locked in each other’s hands, Lily and Alexander began to burn with the light of one thousand years. The weight of their new responsibility as the custody of all realities lay on them; it felt liberating and pressing at the same time. ‘First of all, my dear, where do you want to go?’ Alexander questioned, his azure orbs mirroring the galaxies encircling them. Lily looked serious her eyebrows pulled together. Continue is the word familiar to all and to my mind, we should start from the beginning. And with a knowing look, they trained these new skills. Reality began to swim, narrowing and broadening before it was as if a light exploded and the two of them were well and truly in the realm before the creation. They were in shades, which is not the same as the Void they had experienced: at the very least, there was still substantial proper darkness. This was not an ab

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