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CHAPTER FOURTY-FIVE The Heart of Darkness

Lily and Alexander came to the dark tower – its black towers soaring towards the violet sky. With every step, the temperature seemed to drop and the air became heavier and heavier, as if the very air did not want them there. “Look,” Alexander whispered indicating the floor of the car. On the floor, spots of emptiness emerged – tiny Holes in space-time, or whatever the locals called it. ”We are witnessing the fabric of time coming undone and we can in no way afford to delay this. ” Finally, they approached the vicinity of the citadel and this was where they experienced the first test. A flickering wall of energy appeared and separated them from their path, filled with demonic energy. ” The chronometer,” Lily said suddenly. ”Perhaps it can assist us in crossing this bar. ”Alexander nodded, taking the device Morgan had provided them. As he waved it at the barrier, the gears inside became a blur. The energy wall was pulsing, and with a loud crackling sound, a doorway of sufficient

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