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CHAPTER TWENTY-SIX Convergence of Timelines

The usual feeling of spatial disorientation at the shift in time disappeared, as did the scenery and Lily and Alexander found themselves amidst what could at best be described as color and noise. They found themselves in a large urban environment and although it was not specified by the game, the structures and the dress of the people indicated that it was sometime in the early part of the twentieth century. Ever since becoming a historiographical narrator, Lily’s mind went through a list of tremendously concise elements: New York and 1912. The year that the Titanic, which is a famous liner of that time, was destroyed: Alexander nodded grimly. “And the year that incredibly affected the maritime safety. We have to indentify the target as soon as possible. ” They wade through the mass of people; their instincts were keen for any hint of temporal disruption. The weight of their call weighed them down – this can be considered one of the moments that is guarded by the team responsi

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