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CHAPTER TWENTY-FIVE Vows at the Edge of Time

The days after Lily and Alexander got engaged were full of emotions and the business that accompanied the preparations for the wedding. As the team persisted in their efforts, engaging in the dangerous task of safeguarding the timeline, it was impossible to suppress the prevailing happiness within the Harrington estate. With the ancient ring now on her finger, Lily could not help but steal a glance at the tiny creation and wonder how such a drastic change to her usual routine was even possible. One day, Lily settled comfortably in the library, reading historical books, while Emily, suddenly opened the door and exclaimed. Dear Lily: Tonight! You must come with me. We have a discovery. ”A woman decided to pursue her friend at Henry’s workshop, Finn. Meet the curious Lily. There, amidst the coils of wires and the shimmering glare of the computer monitors, stood Alexander and Henry, the two faces of victory worn on their faces. “What’s happening?” Lily asked, for a moment forgo

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