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CHAPTER TWENTY Threads of Destiny

The main operational control room of the agency became operational as Lily and her team put into practice what they had planned. The result of potential violations interrupted the narration of a timeline. “We’ve got something. ” Emily stated this and pressed some buttons on the top of the frontal panel of the equipment. They wrote: :Altruistic relations to societal discord found in pre-modern societies, Ancient Egypt, 1334 B.C. So, even as a historian, she cannot escape it. Akhenaten and His Perverted Revolution The biography of the king and those changes that sought to reshape the fate of Egypt. As it can be seen, Alexander was already about to proceed towards the equipment lockers. The words were said by Lily, “We observe first. ”  “Emily, Jonathan, you will sit here and observe this; Alexander and I will approach the stage, watch the action, and intervene if necessary."   And then they were ready for the jump, and a concerned Professor Williams appeared before them. “Stay

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