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CHAPTER NINETEEN Echoes of Tomorrow

The temporal extraction field glittered around them, and Lily, Alexander, Emily, and Jonathan appeared in the agency’s building. The hum of advanced technology and the chemical smell of the labs enveloped them, quite contrary to the tension of the 1960s Birmingham they have left in the car. Professor Williams – their Williams – was waiting for them, her face carefully neutral. “Report!” she demanded, though medical staff immediately began to scan the team for temporal radiation. When telling the professor about their mission and the meeting with the parallel version of Williams herself, the professor’s face became more and more worried. “This is worse than we thought,” she whispered, not so much to the two men in front of her but to herself. ‘When multiple versions of ourselves are meddlesome in the timeline, there are higher chances of paradoxes. ’Lily shivered at this remark. “So what does this mean for us? For the Agency?” Williams let out a sigh, and he looked a lot mo

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