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CHAPTER 114 The Calling of Endless Hearts

As Lily and Alexander left the realm of black and white passion and their merged harmonized essences began to beat with the experience of several lifetimes, they were led to a far-off corner of the multiverse. Here, the fabric of reality glowed with an ethereal luminescence and each pulse of light contained echoes of love in countless forms and throughout the ages. “Did you hear that,” asked Lily, the ringing of her voice echoing through their entangled bodies. ‘This is the kind of love that makes the universe sing.’ Alexander’s Spirit responded positively, his passionate energy resonated with her suffocating energy. “Yes, my dear, it appears that we’ve come across a place where love comes together.” When they were nearer, the voices began to murmur, forming a crescendo of feelings. They understood that they are closing in on an extraordinary event – a spacetime library of love, a place where all the beats and touches and words of affection for all the realities into which the

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