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CHAPTER 113 The Prism of Passion's Polarity

While enjoying their dances with the universe, Lily and Alexander faced a new experience that would change the perception of their love and their existence in the universe. It started as a slight disruption within the backdrop of the canvas that the multiverse of characters painted. Initially, they regarded it as another type of experience, among the countless ones they had grown to accept as normal. But as they progressed closer to the area of the ruckus, they understood this was not simply something new: it was a rent in the actuality of love. “Alex,” Lily’s voice was as Distilling as ever, with a tone that was half-awe and half-concern, “do you see that? It is as if . . . as if love itself is breaking apart.” The part of Alexander that resonated with Rory was the shared attraction of curiosity. ‘I notice it, my darling. It is very different from anything I have seen. Should we not look into it?’ When they got close to the anomaly, they got a feeling as if the essence of existen

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