Chapter 680

Rachel couldn't resist scrutinizing Helen, absorbing every detail. Helen wore a simple yet tasteful attire. Her facial features were unremarkable, except for her eyes. They looked deep and defiant, a clear indicator of someone not easily swayed. Nonetheless, Rachel was no pushover either. Gathering her composure, she walked purposefully toward Helen, determination evident in every step. Indeed, this world buzzed with curiosity and gossip. Before long, students crowded into the nearby building, eager to witness the unfolding drama. "Are you Helen Spencer?" Rachel asked with an air of superiority, her tall stature giving her a half-head advantage over Helen. With pride evident in her posture, Rachel lifted her chin, regarding Helen as if she were a queen surveying her domain. The Lindvall family had enjoyed prosperity in Glendale in recent years. It had been a while since Rachel had displayed such a commanding presence. Nevertheless, she remained confident enough to assert dominanc

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