Chapter 681

Rachel's persistent taunting had finally pushed Helen past her breaking point. Lately, Helen had been struggling to control her temper, and Rachel's insistence on pushing her luck only intensified her resolve. Acting swiftly, she unleashed her strength with a forceful blow. In an instant, Rachel cried out in pain, dropping to her knees before Helen. "Ow, ow, ow... Help me!" Seeing this, one of Rachel's fallen bodyguards scrambled to his feet, attempting to launch another attack on Helen. Nonetheless, her steely gaze froze him in place, her grip tightening. With a sudden snap, Rachel's knuckles dislocated, causing tears to stream uncontrollably down her face. "Help, she's hurting me! Help!" Witnessing the intensity of the situation, the bodyguards hesitated to intervene. At that moment, campus security rushed in, visibly taken aback by the escalating altercation. Hadn't there been reports of an outsider causing trouble? However, it appeared that a student had gained the upper ha

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