Chapter 679

Priscilla had always been adept at navigating social circles and avoiding unnecessary conflicts. Therefore, it seemed likely that Helen was the one causing trouble. Rachel often heard Priscilla lament that Chandler had become entranced by a charming woman from the countryside. Now, he seemed to disregard Priscilla's words entirely, acting like he was under a spell. With this in mind, Rachel was determined to seek justice for Priscilla and vent her frustration. "Where is this Helen?" Rachel demanded, her expression darkening. "Apparently, she's enrolled at the University of Glendale. I expect she should be on campus by now," Frank muttered, his dissatisfaction evident. "Alright, I'm curious to see what this femme fatale is really capable of!" With that, Rachel hurriedly left, her high heels clicking on the floor. "Rachel!" Vernon called out, hoping to clarify things before making a decision. But before he could, Rachel had already reached the doorway. Unable to intercept her, Ve

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