Chapter 678

Chad, already a magnet for paparazzi due to his status and behavior, once again found himself under intense scrutiny. Alongside Ronald and Ivan, he was placed behind bars, instantly becoming a top trending topic. Meanwhile, speculations circulated about the audacious mastermind who dared to challenge the authority of both the Lindvall and Townsend families at the same time. Upon leaving the police station, Helen obtained Edward's bank account details from Chandler. She then transferred 20 thousand dollars into his account, accompanied by a note, "Mr. Green, please proceed strictly according to the law. There's no need to consider my reputation." Edward couldn't suppress a bitter smile as he read Helen's message. It was evident that her motives extended beyond protecting anyone's reputation; she wanted him to handle Ronald and Chad with an uncompromising approach. Just as Edward turned off his phone, the intercom on his desk buzzed, linking him to his secretary. "Mr. Green, Mr. Lin

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