Chapter 670

Edward's hand paused midair as he processed Helen's demand. With a resigned sigh, he lowered it, giving Barry an apologetic look that conveyed his powerlessness. "You heard her. My input doesn't count anymore." "Please…" Barry pleaded, his eyes welling up with tears. The prospect of facing Edward in court weighed heavily on him, knowing it could damage his standing in the legal community. Barry appeared visibly agitated, whereas Ronald and Chad felt the situation lacked enough commotion. Nonetheless, their anger flared instantly upon hearing Helen's insistence on a public apology to be broadcast across all platforms. "Who do you think you are? How dare you insist on a public apology from me? Let me clarify—we are only willing to settle this out of respect for Chandler's family. So, don't test our patience!" Chad snapped, visibly frustrated. "Exactly," Ronald agreed cautiously, wary of escalating the situation. However, publicly apologizing to a woman without status or background w

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