Chapter 671

While they were skilled at capturing others, Edward didn't think highly of these people for their verbose nature. Outside the police station, the silence was shattered by the piercing squeal of brakes as two black and white Porsches came to a halt. As the doors swung open, Ivan and Taylor emerged simultaneously. Although they had settled matters over the phone, their mutual hostility was still unmistakable upon their meeting. But in consideration of Helen, Taylor took the initiative and approached Ivan, offering a pat on his shoulder. "My friend inside is expecting you. We'll follow your lead once we're in." "Don't worry. Look!" Ivan replied, motioning toward the business van parked behind them. As they both turned, the van doors opened precisely on cue, and six or seven employees in Townsend's Car Dealership uniforms disembarked. "I believe in transparency. As you can see, I've brought half of my staff as witnesses. Does that ease your concerns?" Taylor nodded in agreement at I

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