Chapter 669

With a few twists, Edward swiftly solved the Rubik's cube in his hand and tucked it into his pocket. Stepping forward, he positioned himself in front of Barry, peering down at him with a scrutinizing gaze. Barry suddenly felt overshadowed by Michelle's gaze. In an instant, the young woman before him seemed to transform into a formidable figure with a strong physique. As Barry belatedly raised his head, he found Edward staring at him with a sly, enigmatic smile. Barry instinctively squinted, readjusting his focus. After a brief moment, he could discern the other person's features. Shocked, Barry's legs nearly buckled as he struggled to steady himself. "'The Grim Reaper of the Legal World'?" "You're Edward Green, right? The top-ranked lawyer in the country!" Barry blurted out, nervously adjusting his glasses. Suddenly, he transformed into a starstruck fan, retrieving a notebook and pen from his bag. "C-Can I have your autograph? Right here, so I can see it every day! Please?" Edwa

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