Chapter 668

Helen's mind was suddenly struck with the phrase "a nest of vipers". As Chad whispered to Ronald, Ronald maintained an unwavering stare at Helen, his eyes filled with calculating scrutiny. On their way to the police station, Ronald and Chad had already plotted their strategy to resolve the issue. The crux of the matter lay in whether the personnel at Townsend's Car Dealership would definitively accuse Helen and Michelle of orchestrating the incident for extortion. If these accusations were made, the extortion charges would likely hold, leaving them with little chance of avoiding legal consequences. Most importantly, Ivan had a longstanding rapport with Chad and Ronald, so they were confident he had already made all the necessary arrangements. With the Lindvall and Townsend families forging an alliance and the criminal dispute escalating, Chandler would be powerless to change the inevitable outcome. However, it seemed they had disregarded one factor—Jamie. Observing Michael esco

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