Chapter 667

Caught amid his enjoyment, Chad refused to accept the situation passively. He forcefully shoved the officers aside and erupted in fury, "Who do you think you are to arrest me? On what grounds are you taking me into custody? What law have I violated?" "Do you think we would be here if you hadn't committed a crime?" Michael's voice thundered in response. "Fine, I'll spell it out for you. Chad Lindvall, you're accused of sexually harassing Helen Spencer and Michelle Miller today at Townsend's Car Dealership. You need to come with me now for questioning!" Chad hesitated briefly, his thoughts drifting back to his encounter with the two women at the dealership. Frustrated, he muttered under his breath, "Damn bitches!" Michael had no tolerance for entitled people. Without hesitation, he sharply admonished, "Check your attitude! Non-compliance will be seen as resisting arrest, and we'll be forced to take action." As Michael's tone hit him, Chad's anger flared instantly. He pointed accus

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