Chapter 666

After contemplating his choices, Frank put away his phone and arrived at a conclusion. In the worst-case scenario, he would offer an apology to Christopher and attempt to reconcile with all parties involved to maintain peace. With his mind made up, Frank rejoined the group, gently clearing his throat as a symbolic gesture. "After taking time to reflect, I acknowledge that my emotions clouded my judgment when addressing the issue earlier. Due to recent family matters demanding my attention, I inadvertently let my emotions influence my work. I sincerely apologize for this and hope for your understanding." At Frank's words, Helen remained unfazed, her face betraying no emotion. Meanwhile, Chandler stood off to the side, silently watching Helen's reaction. As he noticed her lack of inclination to make amends, his expression grew serious. Watching the scene unfold, Edward maintained a neutral tone as he commented, "Deputy Levine, your display of remorse is commendable. Even a judge wo

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