Chapter 665

This was the confidence exuded by Glendale's top lawyer; even before entering the courtroom, Edward had already secured half the victory. Christopher reacted swiftly, exerting pressure on Frank. "Deputy Levine, you need to intervene. I've already apologized to her, for heaven's sake. How can he still threaten to sue me?" Keith also chimed in, leaning in behind Frank and whispering, "Deputy Levine, stay calm. With Mr. Townsend backing us, everything will work out." With this reassurance, Frank's confidence surged. Nonetheless, he couldn't shake the intimidation caused by Edward's authoritative presence. Clearing his throat, Frank addressed Edward, saying, "Mr. Green, your eloquence is truly impressive. With you on board, I feel much more reassured. Very well, please take your client back for now and follow the proper legal procedures." "Well, my client fully expects acquittal. Deputy Levine, I'm particularly interested in your strategy for handling these two," Edward replied, redir

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