Chapter 664

Frank was about to leave when Helen's words stopped him in his tracks. Reluctantly, he turned back, impatience evident on his face. "So, what do you propose?" Frank's expression visibly soured. "Well, let's consult my girlfriend's lawyer on this," Chandler interjected from the doorway. With those words, he confidently entered the room. Chandler's expression remained impassive as he surveyed the scene before heading straight for Helen in the corner. Crouching down to her eye level, he whispered, "Are you alright?" Shaking her head, Helen asked, "What brought you here?" Chandler let out a wry sigh. "I couldn't just stand by and watch while others mistreated my future wife, could I?" Upon hearing this, Helen playfully puckered her lips. "I could have managed on my own, you know." "Of course, you're my exceptional fiancée. But can't you let me be the hero this time?" Chandler teased, extending a gallant hand toward her. Helen eventually placed her hand in his, allowing him to help

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