Chapter 663

Upon hearing Frank's voice, Keith and Christopher quickly stood and approached him, trying to win his favor. "Deputy Levine, it's been a while," Keith greeted Frank warmly, subtly signaling with his eyes. "Indeed it has." Frank nodded knowingly, meeting Keith's gaze with reassurance. He silently conveyed his readiness to take charge of the situation. With that, Frank sidestepped around Michael and the other departing officers, heading directly toward Helen and Michelle. "Are you the students who filed the complaint?" "We're here to report a crime, not file a complaint," Helen calmly clarified. Frank paused briefly, acknowledging her words with a nod. Turning to Keith with a pretense of concern, he asked, "Mr. Ovard, was the incident as this young lady described—a case of sexual harassment?" "Deputy Levine, her accusations are completely baseless. Townsend's Car Dealership has maintained an impeccable reputation in our community, serving a distinguished clientele. "Besides, it's

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