Chapter 658

Covering his face, Jamie accepted the bank card from Helen. He glanced at Christopher before returning his attention to her. He hesitated, uncertain how to proceed with the card in Helen's possession. "What's the matter? Have you had a change of heart as well? Aren't you eager to hurry us out and resolve things quickly?" Helen asked, arching an eyebrow playfully as she observed Jamie's earnest demeanor. "No, not at all!" Jamie looked briefly at Christopher and clarified, "Only Mr. Gomez has the authority to contact the dealership manager. I'm just a new employee and don't have that privilege." Helen nodded thoughtfully, evaluating the situation. She glanced around casually before asking, "How is it possible that the dealership manager is absent during the new car exhibition?" "Young lady, there's no need to question our manager's presence," Christopher replied firmly. "Put simply, my authority is on par with Mr. Ovard's. "Anyway, Mr. Lindvall is not someone you want to challenge.

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