Chapter 657

Christopher had been weighing his options at the thought of losing his job when, out of the blue, Chad presented him with another chance. Christopher's face instantly brightened with joy as he reassured enthusiastically, "Mr. Lindvall, you can count on us to deliver a satisfactory solution!" Switching gears swiftly, Christopher adopted the authoritative stance of a manager at the dealership. He summoned two salespersons with a commanding tone, "You and you, please escort these disruptive students out." His courteous use of "please" was perhaps the only nicety he felt obligated to extend. Nonetheless, removing customers was universally discouraged across all industries, especially in a bustling store filled with clients. The two salespeople exchanged nervous glances, neither willing to intervene in the escalating situation. Upon seeing his words fall flat, Christopher's temper flared. "You're all worthless! When it's time to collect your pay, you're all eager to be at the front. B

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