Chapter 659

"What's the issue? Why aren't your sugar daddies stepping up?" Christopher asked sarcastically. He continued, "Well, those who can afford Townsend's products aren't exactly everyday people. Picking a fight with you means picking a fight with them. Even a fool knows the smart choice here! "Here's the deal—I'll take charge. If you apologize to Mr. Lindvall, we'll call it even." Helen couldn't suppress a laugh at Christopher's bold assertion. "Are you seriously suggesting that I should apologize?" "And what's stopping you?" Christopher retorted with a shrug. "After all, you were the one who started the commotion here, disrupting our business. "Then your friend decides to throw water at Mr. Lindvall and resorts to personal insults. Based on these incidents alone, I could easily have both of you escorted to the police station right now. Do you question that?" Unable to stomach Christopher's accusations against Helen and Michelle, Jamie began to defend them. "Mr. Gomez, how can you—"

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