Chapter 656

As soon as Chad uttered those words, Michelle grabbed a cup of water from the nearby table and hurled it straight at his face. Regrettably, they were in Grand Cathay; had they been elsewhere, Michelle wouldn't hesitate to opt for a grenade rather than a simple splash of water. With a quick and precise motion, the cup hit Chad squarely in the face, thoroughly drenching him. His meticulously groomed hair instantly wilted, revealing a less flattering appearance beneath. Without a moment's hesitation, Chad grabbed Michelle by her hoodie, his fists tightly clenched as he questioned fiercely, "Bitch, do you honestly believe you can get away with this?" Just then, Jamie approached with the contract in hand, arriving just in time to witness the unfolding confrontation. Moving quickly, he stepped in to diffuse the tension. "Hey, hey, let's all calm down. We're here to have a good shopping experience. How about we take a step back and cool off for a moment?" With only a few days on the job

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