Chapter 626

Helen understood Charlie's message perfectly. After all, she did have a history with Zac. Despite Zac and Chandler's brotherly bond, she couldn't overlook what had happened and carried on as if everything was normal while still being in a relationship with Chandler. Even though she held no responsibility and it contradicted her desires, sometimes fate's choices were incomprehensible, offering no room for reconciliation. While it might be tough to accept at first, Helen recognized that nobody was truly irreplaceable in this world. If it was meant to happen, she would need to focus on reshaping her mindset and compel herself to accept reality. However, before reaching that level of acceptance, certain issues required clarification. "Did those photos get saved?" Helen asked Charlie. "Well…" Charlie hesitated, his expression betraying his unease. Suddenly, he quickly caught onto Helen's implication, tentatively asking, "Could it be that you two…?" However, Helen's subsequent words

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