Chapter 625

Sylvia swiftly intervened, feigning a couple of pats on Helen's hand. "Oh, you heartless girl, your antics will be the death of me!" she teased. "Enough. Helen has encountered her fair share of challenges out there. Let's continue this discussion inside," Charlie interjected. With that, they all returned to the house, feeling uplifted. As they settled down, Chandler's phone rang suddenly. Checking the caller ID, he saw it was from Carles. "Mr. Charlie and Ms. Sylvia, please excuse me, I need to take this call," Chandler apologized. Charlie nodded slightly, his gaze lowered. "Of course, go ahead," he replied. With that, Chandler picked up his phone and stepped out onto the balcony. Meanwhile, Sylvia was oblivious to her surroundings, focusing solely on bombarding Helen with questions. "Sweetheart, did Zac mistreat you in any way? That brute, he's utterly heartless!" "No, Grandma, please don't worry," Helen reassured her. While Charlie listened closely to their conversation, he

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