Chapter 627

These conventional PR methods each had their advantages and drawbacks, but none seemed to align with Chandler's intentions. He sat quietly in his chair, allowing the heated discussions at the table to continue unchecked, appearing lost in his thoughts. The atmosphere around him grew uncomfortably chilly. Zac's bold move was clearly a desperate attempt to corner Helen, trying to force her into an unwanted alliance with him. However, Zac had underestimated her; Helen responded more positively to gentle persuasion than forceful coercion. Such drastic tactics would only serve to distance her even more. Nonetheless, Chandler's priorities lay elsewhere. He was singularly focused on one thing—ensuring that nobody could harm Helen again. Breaking from his thoughts, Chandler raised his hand and tapped twice on the table's surface. Instantly, the PR team fell silent, all eyes turning toward Chandler. "It seems you all still fail to grasp the importance of who Helen Spencer is. Let me be p

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