Chapter 624

Helen wasn't entirely certain about what had transpired between Chandler and Priscilla, but one thing seemed clear—she probably wouldn't need to fret about her relationship with Priscilla anymore. This realization brought Helen more relief than narrowly escaping her recent near-death experience. Chandler and Helen spent just an hour at Newton Residence. Upon departing, Priscilla refrained from probing Helen with questions, leaving her in high spirits. As they returned to Spencer Residence, Helen couldn't contain her curiosity any longer. Turning to Chandler with a playful grin, she asked, "Did you work some magic on your mom?" Chandler's lips curved into a playful smile at Helen's remark, maintaining an air of mystery. "Well, what do you think?" "Without a doubt," Helen replied with a teasing tone. After enduring Priscilla's behavior for so long, feeling lighthearted now was a welcome shift. Nevertheless, her curiosity persisted. Adjusting her expression, she tried to coax an ans

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