Chapter 623

Chandler silently vowed never to let Helen out of his sight again. After what felt like an eternity, Helen began to struggle for breath in Chandler's tight embrace. Just as she was about to ask him to loosen his grip, he released her. "Let's head back. This area is too close to where Zac is hiding. It's not safe here," Chandler said, taking off his coat and wrapping it around Helen. With that, they hurriedly left the hospital by car. After over an hour of driving, the car eventually arrived at the gate of Newton Residence. Helen knew this place well—its surroundings a familiar sight to her. Before long, the car came to a stop. Chandler extended his hand in a gesture of chivalry. Despite his courteous action, Helen couldn't shake the unease creeping over her. Surviving a near-death experience didn't erase certain realities. Priscilla remained a formidable barrier between Helen and Chandler, a division she couldn't overcome. Having just freed herself from Zac's grasp, Helen was

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