Chapter 620

As the frigid touch of the blade brushed against Julia's neck, she instinctively flinched. Her breath caught in her throat as she stared at the knife, the steel glinting ominously just inches from her skin. Deep inside, Julia recognized the inherent sanctity of life, especially when it was intertwined with the lives of loved ones. "You wouldn't dare," she challenged, her eyes narrowing as she tried to gauge Helen's resolve. Helen's lips curved into a smirk, yet her eyes betrayed no trace of amusement. "Do you want me to test that theory?" Julia observed the unyielding resolve shining in Helen's eyes, indicating her readiness to engage fully. Ultimately, she opted to surrender and yield to Helen's control. Armed with a knife and possessing previous expertise in hand-to-hand combat, Helen held complete authority over the situation. After confirming Julia's compliance, Helen proceeded with her next demand. "Stand up," she commanded, her tone stern. Maintaining her hold over Julia,

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