Chapter 621

Helen surveyed her surroundings and gestured toward the door. "Okay, is the kitchen a safe distance?" "Yes. Stay hidden. I'll reach you in two minutes," Chandler reassured before disappearing. Helen hurried into the kitchen and locked the door behind her. With anticipation coursing through her veins, she prepared herself for the impending rescue. Meanwhile, Julia seemed to find the situation rather amusing, lounging on the sofa with an air of indifference. She was keen to witness Chandler's futile attempts to breach through. After all, she had made her stance clear—without the key, that door wasn't budging. But the next moment, a thunderous crash broke the silence. As the wall opposite her crumbled, a jeep sped toward her at a terrifying speed. Reacting with lightning reflexes, Julia instinctively raised her hand to shield herself. With screeching brakes, the vehicle halted mere inches away, narrowly sparing her life. Chandler flung the car door open and emerged, quickly confirm

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