Chapter 619

In a swift exchange, Helen and Julia found themselves in each other's former positions, locked in another tense standoff. Julia's eyes narrowed, her breaths coming in ragged gasps as she gripped the knife tightly with both hands, pointing it menacingly at Helen. "Stop hiding, Helen. There's no escape. Your fate is carved in stone. You are destined to fulfill Zac's and my destiny. It's time for you to face reality." "The one in need of a reality check is you," Helen retorted, her stare hardening as she addressed Julia. She couldn't comprehend how someone could be so foolish as to commit a crime for a man who didn't care about her in the slightest. "Zac doesn't love you. Whether I'm here or not, he wouldn't give you a second thought. How much longer will you deceive yourself?" "Enough! It's not what you think. Zac and I share a deep love. His interest in you is just jealousy toward Chandler. I'm the one who truly understands him. "We've been together for so long; no one complement

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