Chapter 618

Once sinister thoughts took root in the mind, they proved nearly impossible to suppress. Seemingly entranced, Julia was consumed by a lack of moral conscience. She covertly concealed a kitchen knife up her sleeve. Driven by an eerie compulsion, she unlocked the door to Helen's confined room. Just as Helen prepared to create a commotion at the door, it swung open unexpectedly. In that brief moment of eye contact with Julia, her intuition screamed that something was different about her. Though unable to articulate the specifics, an instinctual wariness washed over Helen, urging her to be on guard. Julia's expression remained impassive as she maintained eye contact with Helen briefly, her gaze drifting down to Helen's injured hand. With the same stoic demeanor, she subtly pursed her lips and commented, "How careless of you." Helen hesitated momentarily before recalling the injury on her hand. Awkwardly, she explained, "Yeah, you're right. I didn't even realize it was hurt until yo

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