Chapter 613

Within these confines or without, tranquility evaded each soul. Unaware of Zac and Julia's activities outside, Helen remained focused on devising her escape plan. While her eyes drifted across the magazines and event proposals strewn across the coffee table, a sudden realization illuminated her thoughts. She recognized one of the magazines as a member-exclusive edition from a renowned luxury brand in the city. Although appearing opulent, these magazines prioritized status over substance. They were reserved solely for authenticated subscribers, each issue being a unique edition with no duplicates. Given Zac's present situation, it seemed improbable for him to indulge in luxury goods openly. Thus, the magazine Helen held likely originated from one of Zac's past associates or acquaintances. Identifying the owner of the magazine could potentially provide a clue for those outside to trace her whereabouts. But how could she delicately raise the subject of this magazine? After a night

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