Chapter 614

Despite not noticing the absence of the magazine, Zac couldn't rid himself of suspicions regarding Helen's intentions. Leaving the room, he held off on immediately informing the Spencer family of Helen's request. Instead, he withdrew to his study, booting up his computer to search for Lay magazine on Google. To Zac, a wedding dress held no particular significance; it was just another piece of women's attire. However, Helen's specific demand hinted at underlying motives. Mindful of Helen's keen intellect, Zac knew he couldn't afford to drop his guard. After thoroughly examining every aspect of the magazine, from its inception to its shareholder structure, Zac found no reason for suspicion. He then dialed Chandler's number. Meanwhile, Chandler was on his way to meet Winnie. When he noticed Zac's incoming call, he promptly braked and pulled over to the side of the road. Taking a moment to compose himself and ensure he could concentrate fully, Chandler tapped the answer button on his

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