Chapter 612

As Helen turned, she caught Zac leaning against the bathroom door frame, his demeanor suggesting he had overheard every word exchanged between them. Like a vigilant predator, his gaze tracked Helen's every movement. The faint smirk playing on his lips seemed to convey disdain for Helen's futile resistance. "Leave," Zac ordered firmly. Accustomed to yielding, Julia remained silent. Without looking back, she left Helen behind and walked away. As the door slammed shut, Zac's expression turned icy. He strode forward, forcefully pulling Helen out of the bathroom and slamming her onto the sofa. On the nearby coffee table, the latest bridal magazines were neatly arranged beside a stack of meticulously organized blue folders. "I'll give you tonight to choose your favorite wedding dress and ring. Those papers over there contain wedding plans from the event company. If you like them, they're yours to keep. If not, we'll proceed according to my preferences," Zac declared, looming over Helen

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