Chapter 611

Especially considering Zac's repeated provocations, time and time again. Even if Chandler refrained from physically confronting Zac due to their family bond, Helen certainly wouldn't let Zac off easily! Meanwhile, Zac glimpsed Helen's smoldering animosity and unwavering determination in her eyes, momentarily reminiscent of the first time he saw her reveal her true nature. It was puzzling how he was once the one who discovered her and how their beginning was filled with such potential and grace. Yet, somehow, it had evolved into what it is now. How did it all devolve into this current state? However, Zac's deepest frustration arose from the realization that everything he had envisioned, everything he had hoped to attain, had been seized by Chandler. "Do you seriously want to kill me? Even in this dire circumstance, do you still wish for my death?" Zac questioned, his acceptance of the inevitable outcome not preventing him from seeking answers. As he spoke, a piercing pain constr

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