Chapter 602

The next morning, Helen received a call from her schoolmates. Their concern was evident in their voices as they asked about her well-being. "Helen, when are you going to return to school? We've all been missing you terribly." "Seriously, it's been so dull without you around." While Helen desired to be with her friends, she understood that place wasn't where her future lay. Eventually, she would have to make her way back to the Northwest. After spending some time video chatting with her classmates, Helen was summoned to breakfast by the butler. The morning spread boasted a delightful Sevoria-style feast. Entering the dining area, Helen noticed Winnie and Chandler already seated at the table. Winnie greeted Helen with a wave. "Good morning, Helen. Come and join us," she invited, gesturing to the seat beside her. Instinctively, Helen's gaze briefly shifted to Chandler. This time, Chandler was completely absorbed in his meal, showing no interest in her presence. With his head bowe

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