Chapter 603

"What? Are you back already? You're staying at Spencer Residence, right?" Winnie glanced at Helen before answering, "Helen and I are currently outside. Give us a moment, we'll be back soon." Hearing Winnie's conversation, Helen asked, "Your parents are back?" "Yes, they're at your house right now," Winnie confirmed. Noticing the abundance of shopping bags they were carrying, Helen decided it was time to head home. Several cars were parked outside Spencer Residence. Upon their return, Helen and the others were met by stewards bringing gifts into the house, one after another. Winnie quickly recognized them as people sent by her father, Irwin Beck. Entering the living room, they were warmly greeted by Winnie's parents, who were elegantly dressed and seated on the sofa. "Winnie, our precious daughter," they said affectionately. Seeing her mother, Jolene Kent, Winnie rushed into her embrace. "Mom, weren't you supposed to stay abroad for a few more days? Why did you return so sudde

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