Chapter 601

Helen was certain her actions communicated everything she needed to say, leaving her puzzled by Chandler's insistence on seeking verbal affirmation. "Yes! Helen, I'm not ready to let us go our separate ways. I mean it from the depths of my heart. You're the one I've always seen myself growing old with, the only one I've ever dreamed of marrying. "I realize it might be hard for you to fully embrace that right now. But please, don't lose faith in what we have. Just give me a bit of time. I promise to do whatever it takes to set things straight." Chandler's imposing stature contrasted sharply with the desperation in his voice as he implored her. Locking eyes with Chandler, Helen felt a sudden pang of anguish shot through her heart. With thoughts of Priscilla lingering in the hospital, Helen longed to reciprocate Chandler's affection with an "I love you too." However, the words seemed trapped in her throat, unable to find release. "You should go back," Helen said, her tone distant as

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