Chapter 600

Winnie froze when she saw the sight. Helen was trying hard to shake off Chandler's tight grip on her hand. "This is the Spencer residence. Do you really want me to do things the hard way?" Was she kicking him out? "Helen, I just want you to be like me and have a little faith in our love." "Let's not talk about us for now. You should be comforting your mother right now." Her words were all reasonable. If Priscilla wasn't taken care of, there would be more trouble between them if they stayed together. The image of Priscilla stabbing herself was still haunting Helen's mind. Now that Chandler had come to the Northwest, Priscilla would never give up. Helen would feel guilty if Priscilla really committed suicide because of her and Chandler. She gave her final ultimatum. "You're welcome to stay here, but not for more than three days. After that, you must leave." "I won't leave unless you reconcile with me." She coldly shook off his arm. Just as she was about to say something, she cau

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