Chapter 579

"The three of you stay here and take care of Mom. I'll go back for a while," Chandler said, pursing his lips. Then, he left. Back at the Newton residence, Chandler immediately spotted Charlie sitting on the sofa. His face was dark and he looked worried as he sighed continuously. Beside him was Sylvia, who looked equally troubled. They had just returned from the police station. Since the police wouldn't release Helen, they came to the Newton residence to find Chandler. "Mr. Charlie, Ms. Sylvia, I'm sorry." Chandler stepped forward and bowed his head in apology. Originally, neither Charlie nor Sylvia had noticed him. But upon hearing his voice, they immediately looked up. "When we agreed to this engagement with your grandfather back then because we hoped our families' relationship could endure, and I wanted my granddaughter to have a good home. "Do you remember the promises you made to me when you were engaged?" Seeing Chandler blaming himself, Charlie angrily hit the ground w

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