Chapter 578

At that time, he didn't want to let Zac go as he believed that Esmond was killed by him. If Zac hadn't tampered with the brakes, how could Esmond have died? But… Esmond's recorded message kept echoing in his ears, along with Zac's carefulness over the years in the Newton family. This was also Esmond's final wish, and he sounded like he was pleading with him to let Zac go. Hence, in the end, Chandler let Zac go, but he didn't tell anyone. Instead, Chandler issued an eviction order against him. But instead of being grateful or repentant, Zac was vengeful and caused trouble for him. Chandler felt like this was his fault. He had harmed Priscilla and Helen! Seeing Chandler blaming himself, Jenson couldn't help but console him. "Chandler, how can this be your fault? Zac was the one who caused all this trouble. Just because there's no evidence now doesn't mean there won't be any!" "Helen just needs to endure it for a few days, but we'll get her out." "Yeah. Helen isn't a fragile girl.

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