Chapter 580

There wasn't anyone around who could help him. Yet, Julia was still persuading him like this. "No. Zac, that's not what I mean. I just hope you'll be fine. You know how important Helen is to Chandler. How could he possibly let you off this time?" She bent down to pick up the bank card and handed it back to Zac, tears shimmering in her eyes. She loved him to the core. Even though he was indifferent to her, she still couldn't bear to see him alone. "Zac, can… can I go with you?" She had always been responsive to Zac's requests. Whenever he was in trouble, she would lend a helping hand without hesitation. But from the beginning to now, Zac never said a word about taking her with him. Julia was afraid that this would be the last time she saw him. "Julia, I'm a wanted criminal now." Zac looked at her and felt particularly conflicted. He never imagined that she would be by his side when he was at his lowest and that she would want to go with him. But Julia immediately hugged him an

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