Chapter 577

Taylor knew of Chandler but hadn't interacted with him much. So, investigating his mother was indeed a bit awkward. "I'll have Carles contact you." Chandler's thin lips moved slowly as he spoke hoarsely. The next moment, he sent Carles's number to Taylor. As Chandler hung up the phone, Tyrone, Jenson and Adrian approached him anxiously and asked about the situation. "Chandler, how did Helen get dragged into this matter?" "Is Helen really as described online?" "Of course not! Helen has already revealed her identity. You've been working with her, haven't you? She did your designs and music. What are the two of you thinking?" Before Adrian could finish his words, Jenson cut him off sharply. It wasn't that Adrian wanted to think the worst of Helen. But the recent events that happened were so close to one another that it didn't seem like a coincidence at all. "But why did Wyatt happen to invite Mom for dinner, and why was Helen nearby when Mom had an accident? The police have inve

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